Megan Quigley (goalkeeper, Team Great Britain): It was really hard, but I think we all just pulled together as a team. I think mentally it was quite tough as well but I enjoyed being in there. It is hard to keep focused, but it is great when you have a great set of girls in front of you. I think you just gotta keep it together for them, because they feed of how you react so you feel you are getting stressed it does not help them out in front. I am just trying to do my best for the team when I can.
Diana Görögova (forward, Team Slovakia): The beginning of the match difficult for us. We had some little problems with playing together, but later in the game we came together. It’s hard to say anything about this match. We won, we are really happy. Sometimes it looked difficult, we had a lot of shot attempts, we missed some of our chances, but in the end we were successful.