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Players statistics

Team:all - ARM - BER - CAN - CAY - CZE - FIN - FRA - GBA - GRE - HAI - HKG - IND - ITA - LBN - POR - SUI - SVK - USA -
Position:all - goalkeepers - field players - defenders - forwards

Defenders (IND)

1.   IND67KALKAT HarpO6123000063-0-0-0-0
2.   IND4SANDHU JagpalO6112000042-0-0-0-0
3.   IND16GILL JaisenO6101010000-0-0-0-0
4.   IND6MAHIL ManuO6000000000-0-0-0-0
5.   IND44KAILA RyanO6000000021-0-0-0-0
6.   IND18KAILA SmiterO6000000021-0-0-0-0
7.   IND55KAHLON JasO60000000184-0-1-0-0


The stats have been updated 20.08.2017 - 10:48


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